<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Geraldine Tabuzo</TITLE> <META name="description" content="Geraldine Tabuzo"> <META name="keywords" content="Geraldine Tabuzo"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="FFFFFF" TEXT="000000" LINK="FF0000" VLINK="0000FF" BACKGROUND="Gray.jpg"> <TABLE WIDTH=75%> <TR><!-- BAR GROUP --> <TD><TABLE> <TR><!-- TOP PART --> <TD><img src="f_top3.gif" width=159 height=26 border=0></TD> </TR> <TR><!-- GO BACK --> <TD><a href="gpix.html" onMouseOver="window.status='Back to The Group Picture';return true"> <img src="back.gif" width=159 height=40 border=0 alt="BACK TO THE GROUP PICTURE"></a></TD> </TR> <TR><!-- THE GROUP --> <TD><a href="group.html" onMouseOver="window.status='About The Group';return true"> <img src="group.gif" width=159 height=40 border=0 alt="ABOUT THE GROUP"></a></TD> </TR> <TR><!-- THE PAGE --> <TD><a href="page.html" onMouseOver="window.status='About The Page & Free Downloads';return true"> <img src="page.gif" width=159 height=40 border=0 alt="ABOUT THE PAGE & FREE DOWNLOADS"></a></TD> </TR> <TR><!-- E-MAIL --> <TD><a href="mailto:gtabuzo@hotmail.com" onMouseOver="window.status='E-Mail Me';return true"> <img src="mail.gif" width=159 height=65 border=0 alt="E-MAIL ME"></a></TD> </TR> </TABLE></TD> <TD WIDTH=70%><CENTER><IMG SRC="Geraldine.jpg" WIDTH="119" HEIGHT="120" ALT="Geraldine R.Tabuzo"></CENTER> <FONT COLOR="0000FF" Size="5"><CENTER><P><U>Geraldine Relosa Tabuzo</P> </U></FONT></FONT></CENTER></TR> </TABLE> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3 COLOR=F000F0> <CENTER><PRE> I am 19 years old, Female from the city of Manila, Philippines Taking up B.S. Computer Science at The City College of Manila My hobbies are: </CENTER></PRE></FONT> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=4 COLOR=FF0000><CENTER> <B>"FRIENDLY PERSON"</CENTER></B></FONT> </BODY>